Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Goddesses and Warriors: A case for Matriarchy

By Tim Gibbons: Published in the High Plains View, August 1, 2008.

“If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.” -Abigail Adams
“I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.” -Susan B. Anthony
Last week I focused on some of the evils associated with a patriarchal society. This week, I will focus on matriarchy, both the misconceptions and potential benefits.
For starters, matriarchy is women led, not dominated. The problem that seems to be evident in our view of matriarchy is that most researchers believe that unless a society was dominated by women, it could not have been a true matriarchy. This argument is based upon the fact that in a patriarchy, not only is it male led, but the men dominate the society. Ergo, it is believed that in order for a matriarchy to exist it must be female dominated.
This is not the case, for the simple reason that it is virtually impossible to have female dominated society, or at least it is impossible for such a society to exist for any length of time.
However, it is very possible to have a female led society, or a society in which the leadership of women plays a very large part. And despite claims to the contrary there have been several societies in which, the females did lead.
Many of these societies can be found among some of the Native American cultures (Cherokee, Iroquois, Pueblo), cultures outside America (Tibetans, Samoa and Tonga) and older societies (Etruscan, Ancient Egypt).
The reason this domination by the fairer sex is so rare is due to the psychological make up of the woman versus that of the male.
Recent studies have shown that differences between the brain of a man and the brain of a woman are so radically different that many scientists are contemplating the concept that the male and female brain must be viewed as two completely different organs.
“The mere fact that a structure is different in size suggests a difference in functional organization,” - Dr. Larry Cahill on the difference regional sizes of male and female brains. Dr. Cahill is part of the Centre for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California.
“There is no unisex brain...girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys.” - The Female Brain, written by Louann Brizendine, a neuropsychiatriast at the University of California.
On average, men's minds are more concerned with competition, both with themselves and with others. This concern is more important even than preserving or maintaining themselves. This competitive drive, coupled with a man's strength of will, is what causes him to push the envelope and has led to many of the marvels of technology that we have today.
Women, on the other hand, are more focused on preservation, both for themselves and for their children. Self-preservation in a woman is very strong, but it is not the narcissistic drive that is unfortunately common in men. This preservation is more based upon a desire to live so that a woman can continue to provide for herself, her fellow humans or her children.
Which concept is more beneficial to society? That man is strong willed is not wrong, but when that will and competitive drive is not tempered by discipline and a desire to serve, it becomes very destructive.
A man without discipline cares little for the pathways that his children must one day walk. Indeed, he cares little about anything save satisfying his thirsts and lusts for that day.
This same will, when disciplined, forces the man to focus on the future and requires that his life be lived for the betterment of himself and his fellow humans.
“For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.” -Plato
The problem with patriarchy, especially when dominated by religion, is that man has no reason to temper his passions and drive. He is allowed, and even encouraged, to live his life for himself. Women and children are reduced to possessions and the environment simply becomes one more thing to conquer. Patriarchy increases the likelihood of war as men vie for the possessions of other men.
Matriarchy, by its very nature, forces man to temper his will. Notice I did not say submit or reject his status as a man. Men are proud creatures and to ask us to deny our will is akin to slavery, the result can be seen through history, men who are denied their will as men become either broken, dispirited or tyrants.
“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?” -Albert Einstien
The question then arises, how can man's will be tempered without being broken? The answer, man needs to believe and devote himself to a higher cause. This cause cannot be some unseen god, because then the 'higher calling' is little more than man's justification for his action.
The cause that compels a man to be better than what he is, that is where the tempering of will and the emergence of nobility comes from.
Our Founding Fathers discovered such a cause in their pursuit of liberty. A father finds that cause in the love for his children, not a love that displays the child as a trophy, but the love that says there is no price that I would not pay to help my child, be it sacrifices in my career, my time or even my life.
It is easy for a father to say he would die for his children, but how many can turn off the television and just play with them?
This brings us now to the relationship of men and women in matriarchy. Perhaps the best example I can give for this is ballroom dance. While the first inclination is to say that ballroom dance is patriarchal in nature because the man leads, this statement shows a lack of understanding of dance.
In dance, man leads and woman follows. This is not due to the inferiority of the woman, quite the opposite. Because, while the man leads, his sole purpose is to frame the beauty of the woman he dances with. Thus, he takes his will, his competitive drive and tempers it so that it serves the woman in his arms.
If the man is doing his job correctly in dance, no one will notice him, but rather they will be astounded by the beauty of the woman.
For her part, the woman accepts the leadership of the man, not as a subordinate, but as a partner, allowing man his will and at the same time allowing herself to bring forth her inner beauty. That she can do so is because the man has created an environment in dance, in which the woman feels absolute safety. She can be whatever she wills, unafraid of what others think. Man serves the woman, woman honors the man.
“Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.” -Albert Einstein
This is the beauty of matriarchy in that while it is woman led, there is an equality among the sexes. Man becomes a warrior, protecting and providing for the family. Woman becomes the head, nurturing and raising her family. There is little care given to who is, 'in charge', the focus will naturally shift to the raising of the next generation.
Maybe this concept is nothing more than the pipe dream of simple fool. But, on the other hand, it's just crazy enough to work.

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